By Eli Zaret, Yaldo Eye Center Spokesman
The Yaldo Eye Center offers free evaluations to determine a patient’s candidacy to receive Lasik surgery. The other good news (besides the fact that the evaluation is free!) is that well over 90% of those who seek Lasik at the Yaldo Eye Center are determined to be good candidates.
One of the reasons that Dr. Yaldo is Michigan’s leading Lasik surgeon, with over 30,000 procedures performed, is that he will only operate on those who is he 100% assured will be nothing short of overjoyed with the results.
So, what disqualifies me?
- Being younger than 18: Vision issues rarely stabilize before adulthood
- Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy and childbirth can affect visual acuity
- Thin corneas: There needs to be sufficient thickness of the cornea
- Acute astigmatism: An extreme asymmetrical, conical shape of the cornea
- High hyperopia: Extremely high prescription for seeing distant objects
The good news here is that except for pregnancy and being underage, Dr. Yaldo has had great results with high prescription candidates. Clarence Day, known to his Channel 955 listeners as “Stick” had a +7 prescription and was helpless to see without glasses and contacts. But all his other factors were perfect and he walked away with 20-15 vision and has been thrilled about it ever since.
Other factors:
- Scarring from an eye injury
- Cataracts
- Detached retina
- Glaucoma
- Extremely dry eyes
Let’s not forget the bottom line: If you’re not aware of having any of the above issues, then it’s up to a 99% certainty that you will enjoy a successful, life-changing Lasik experience. And it’s so easy to find out. Call 1-800-398-EYES or go to and sign up for your free evaluation.
Lasik is a modern medical miracle, freeing millions of people from the need for glasses, reading glasses and contacts and, at the same time, enjoying better vision without those devices than they ever did with them!