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While you are here, see what some of our top patients are saying!





Jim came into the Yaldo Eye Center to undergo Monovision Lasik from Dr. Yaldo and was ecstatic about his results. Schedule an appointment today to see if Monovision is the right procedure for you.

STICK – Channel 955 

Stick came to the Yaldo Eye Center to try out the new CATz Cutom Lasik procedure which Dr. Yaldo was one of the first in the nation to offer. Find out if CATz is right for you with a free evaluation!

KEN BROWN – WJR News Radio

Ken Brown underwent PresbyLASIK at the Yaldo Eye Center and had amazing results. You too can have amazing results by following Ken and trusting your eyes to Dr. Yaldo


Karen Savelly came to the Yaldo Eye Center and underwent Multifocal Lens Implants, an advanced vision correction procedure that left Karen with the crisp clear vision she has always wanted.


Bobby came in when he just couldn’t stand his terrible cloudy vision any longer. After seeing Dr. Yaldo and undergoing Multifocal Lens Implants his vision and his life would never be the same again.

CASEY KRUKOWSKI – 106.7 Detroit

Casey came to the Yaldo Eye Center to try out the brand new CATz custom lasik procedure that Dr. Yaldo was one of the first in the nation to perform! Find out if you are a candidate for CATz today!

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