Is LASIK surgery only for young people? Not necessarily. Each patient is different, therefore each patient is conditioned by a unique set of circumstances that must be evaluated before determining if laser eye surgery is the best option to treat your vision problems.
Requirements for Lasik eye surgery are simple to understand. It is generally understood by many that Lasik is an excellent vision improvement surgery and alternative option to wearing glasses.
Most people who undergo surgeries face a stressful situation, and Michigan laser eye surgery is no exception. Although LASIK eye surgery Michigan is a fairly safe procedure, many patients experience some degree of anxiety in the days before surgery.
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Lasik is not the only option!
Refraction correction alternatives to LASIK eye surgery
If your Michigan ophthalmologist told you that you are not an ideal candidate for LASIK surgery, do not lose hope, there are other alternatives that can reduce your dependence on glasses and contact lenses. The Yaldo eye center is one of the best lasik eye surgery Michigan clinics.
There are several reasons why a LASIK doctor may determine that you are not an ideal candidate for the procedure. For example, some patients have very thin corneas, severe refractive errors or other conditions that prevent them from undergoing LASIK. However, these patients may consider two other procedures: implantable contact lenses (ICL) and refractive lens exchange (RLE).
Implantable contact lenses (ICL)
Implantable contact lenses (ICL) correct vision in a manner very similar to external contact lenses, except for the fact that ICLs are placed inside the eye, improving vision permanently. ICLs are also similar to intraocular lenses that are used during cataract surgery to replace the lens. However, during surgery, the lens stays in the eye and works together with the implanted lens to correct vision. Implantable contact lenses provide an option to permanently correct vision for those who are not candidates for laser vision correction. Find a good Michigan laser eye surgery clinic can be challenging, the Yaldo eye center is one of your best options when it comes lasik eye surgery in Michigan.
Implantable contact lenses are inserted into the cornea through a small incision and placed behind the iris and in front of the lens. These thin flexible lenses can be an alternative to LASIK surgery and are used to correct disorders that laser surgery may not correct, such as extreme myopia. The ICL procedure is painless and has a success rate of 95%. The improvement in vision is perceived on the same day of the surgery, and the patients heal completely one month after lasik eye surgery Michigan.
Types of ICL
The main difference in implantable contact lenses is the type of material used for each lens. Currently, there are only two types of ICL approved for use in the United States: Verisyse ™ is made with a type of acrylic called polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), and Visian ICL ™ is the result of a combination of collagen and copolymer called Collamer® created by STAAR® surgical.
One or two weeks before inserting the contact lenses, the surgeon uses a laser to make two openings near the edge of each iris. This prevents the increase in intraocular pressure during lens insertion.
The lenses are inserted through a small incision made in the cornea of each eye. Once inside the eye, the doctor must ensure that the lenses remain in place. The ICL is undetectable for the user and viewers.
During both procedures, topical anesthesia is placed in the eyes to avoid discomfort. The ophthalmologist can also administer a sedative to keep the patient relaxed.
General requirements of the ICL
If you are between 21 and 45 and nearsighted, you may be a candidate for the Visian ICL. Unlike traditional contact lenses that go on the eye’s surface, the Visian ICL is positioned inside the eye between the iris (the colored part of the eye) and the natural lens, which stays indefinitely. In an emergency, it can also easily be removed from the eye.
There are some general requirements to be a good candidate for ICL. Among the people who benefit most with implantable contact lenses are those who:
- If you are over 21 years old (it is usually recommended that patients over 45 years of age do not undergo the ICL procedure)
- Have moderate or severe myopia (generally, implantable contact lenses can correct up to -20D for myopia)
- Do not have astigmatism or have mild astigmatism (implantable contact lenses that are approved can treat up to 2.5 diopters of astigmatism)
- Currently not pregnant or breastfeeding
- Have the anterior chamber of the eye with the proper depth. The ophthalmologist will determine the depth of the camera with a comprehensive eye test),
- Are not eligible for LASIK (patients with dry eye, severe myopia, thin corneas, and other contraindications to LASIK may be candidates for implantable contact lenses.
Refractive Lens Exchange
Although Refractive Lens Exchange can correct nearsightedness, it is generally not recommended when ICLs are an option. The best candidates for RLE are usually people with presbyopia, a situation in which the lens loses its ability to focus due to its reduced elasticity, which generates difficulties for close vision. Therefore, in a large number of cases, it is logical to change the lens for a sophisticated artificial intraocular lens.
During the RLE procedure, the surgeon first applies topical anesthesia to the eyes and then makes a small incision in the edge of the cornea. The natural crystalline lens inside the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial, fitted intraocular lens. The recovery is usually quick and without complications. If you are looking for a Michigan laser eye surgery clinic or Michigan eye surgery doctor. Look no further than the Yaldo eye center for your lasik eye surgery Michigan needs.
How can LASIK surgery better my quality of life?
Problems in vision can have a profound effect on a person’s life since they affect the performance and the image of the individual. The introduction of laser eye surgeries, in particular, LASIK surgery, has made it easier for many people to achieve better vision and with it, improve their quality of life. If you or a loved one is searching for Michigan laser eye surgery, look no further than the Michigan eye surgery clinic at the Yaldo eye center.
The LASIK procedure is an excellent option for patients who want to correct their refractive errors. In addition, surgery also offers a series of intangible benefits. Here are 5 ways in which the LASIK procedure can improve quality of life and increase confidence.
How LASIK Greatly Improves Quality of Life
1: “I feel freer and safer”.
After LASIK surgery increases confidence in the patient, when people with vision problems find themselves in active social events, they often feel uncomfortable or self-conscious. LASIK decreases insecurities since it reduces or even eliminates the dependence on corrective lenses for everyday activities. After laser vision correction, your vision can be greatly improved, which also improves your effectiveness both professionally and personally. Since it allows you to live and enjoy your life more spontaneously; LASIK will allow you to participate in activities that you may not have done if you were completely dependent on glasses or contact lenses. Searching for Lasik eye surgery Michigan can be difficult, trust your eyes with a leading Michigan laser eye surgery specialist at the Yaldo Eye Center.
2: “I no longer depend on contact lenses and prescription glasses.”
The LASIK procedure allows patients to see the world more clearly and reduce their dependence on corrective lenses. Laser eye surgery prevents the patient from depending on prescription glasses to perform activities of daily living. For example, you can read the traffic signs while driving, and you can see the numbers on the alarm clock every morning without looking for the glasses.
3: “I feel more confident when I do recreational activities”.
You will feel more comfortable during recreational activities after laser eye surgery. Since you will reduce your dependence on glasses and contact lenses, you will have greater confidence in your ability to see the world. The surgery allows patients to enjoy a more active lifestyle and participate in sports such as skiing or mountain biking, whose practice would be very complicated with the use of lenses.
While it is recommended to use proper eye protection as established by the governing body of the sport or the American Testing and Materials Society, you will no longer have to worry about losing your glasses in the ocean or breaking them while playing basketball.
4: “I have improved my work skills”.
Having an adequate vision is of great importance and benefit to standing out in your work activity, whether you are looking at small letters, reading a computer screen all day or being responsible for the safety of others. After LASIK eye surgery, it will be easier for you to find work, especially if you are engaged in tasks that require a perfect vision, such as a pilot, a firefighter, a police officer, a prison officer, a paramedic, and a lifeguard.
5: “People see the real me”.
After LASIK surgery, nothing will stand between you and the people you want to communicate with. Many patients experience an emotional benefit in being able to show their true identity and leave behind any negative experience that was associated with vision problems. The patient may choose to wear glasses at any time, and will not be restricted to specific styles or special lenses.
Many patients with LASIK call their treatment a life change and the above are just some of the reasons. Of course, we must keep in mind that each patient is different and the results of LASIK vary. Be sure to consult with your trusted ophthalmologist if laser eye surgery can be beneficial for you.
Who We Are | How LASIK Greatly Improves Quality of Life
The Yaldo Eye Center specializes in Lasik eye surgery Michigan with the leading Michigan laser eye surgery specialist, Dr. Yaldo. We use the latest technology in laser eye surgery to ensure that you or your loved one receives only the best we can offer. We offer financing options and consultations at our Detroit lasik eye surgery clinic.
Why Your Annual Eye Exam Is so Important for your eye health
The first Exhaustive eye exam should be done on children when they start school, even if they are not experiencing symptoms and do not show any signs that they are not seeing well. A child can not complain about poor vision, because at his age he may not realize he is not seeing well. Searching for lasik eye surgery Michigan can be challenging, a Michigan eye surgery specialist at the Yaldo Eye center can help you with any questions or concerns you may have about lasik.
There are patients who come for the first time to an eye examination at age 35 and have a completely unusable eye due to untreated amblyopia, an eye disorder that prevents vision from developing properly during the first years of childhood.
This is an example of why it is imperative to start undergoing eye examinations as a child and continue throughout the school years and into adulthood, even if no visual symptoms are experienced. Another example is a person who has glaucoma. Glaucoma may not have symptoms until the vision is completely lost. An early diagnosis considerably improves the prognosis of this disease.
Annual eye exams are critical to your health
Anyone who begins to experience vision difficulties, either while using a computer or reading a book, should undergo an eye exam. An adult without vision problems should undergo a comprehensive eye exam every two years even if they have not experienced any visual symptoms. Adults who wear glasses or contact lenses or who have a problem with their eyes should have an eye exam annually.
A patient who has a systemic problem that can affect the eyes, such as diabetes, inflammatory disease, or uncontrolled hypertension, should undergo an eye exam every year. Sometimes, diabetics need to control their eyes more than once a year, perhaps two or three times a year, depending on the control of their blood sugar levels.
What kind of tests includes a complete eye exam?
A comprehensive eye exam is made up of many different tests. The first step is to do a good interrogation to create the clinical history: to determine which is the main condition and why the patient has come to undergo an eye examination. Then, we perform two initial tests which consist of measurements of visual acuity. These tests require the patient to read letters from an eye chart attached to the wall (for distance vision) and a text from a sheet held in the hand (for near vision), both with and without glasses or lenses. Contact. If you or a loved one is searching for lasik eye surgery Michigan, look no further than the Yaldo eye center.
Then we will go to the objective part of the ocular examination, in which the ophthalmologist will obtain information that does not depend on the patient’s answers. For example, the doctor will examine the retina, the cornea, the eye movements (it is evaluated by having the patient follow the movement of an object with the eyes.) This ensures that the muscles related to the movement of the eyes and the parts of the brain that control those muscles work correctly), intraocular pressure (using a device called applanation tonometer just touch the surface of the eye and measures the pressure of the fluid inside the eye), pupillary reflexes (is checked by tracking the behavior of the pupil in response This tests how the individual pupil responds to light, and it ensures that both pupils respond to light in tandem), etc.
The ophthalmologist will examine the ocular structures through a biomicroscope, a device that has very bright lenses and lights through which the doctor looks to see the anterior, middle and posterior part of the eye. If necessary, the ophthalmologist can apply drops to the patient’s eye to dilate the pupils, which allows the ophthalmologist to evaluate not only the central part of the retina but also the peripheral area. Here at the Yaldo eye center, we are transparent about lasik eye surgery cost, speak with a Michigan laser eye surgery specialist at our clinic today!
Finally, the doctor will propose a therapeutic plan based on the findings obtained. For example, it may be necessary for the patient to wear glasses, or to undergo Michigan eye surgery.
The Cold Weather & Your Eyes
Protecting your eyes is important during all seasons of the year, however preserving the health of the eyes during the winter requires special measures, especially if you usually carry out outdoor activities. Fortunately, taking care of the eyes in a cooler climate does not have to be complicated. If you or a loved one is looking for the best lasik eye surgery Michigan provider, look no further than the Yaldo Eye Center.
Dry air
Dryness and eye irritation are the most common eye discomforts during the winter. Because winter air is drier, the moisture in your eyes evaporates more quickly than in the humid summer air. When the heating is on, moisture is also decreased, which can cause eye irritation. Dry air reduces the production of tears, causing the eyes can not stay moist.
Tips for keeping your eyes moist and hydrated in cold climates include:
* Drink water: An abundant consumption of water keeps your whole body hydrated, including the eyes. To make sure you are drinking enough water, take a reusable water bottle with you and refill it four to six times a day.
* Use eye drops: The use of artificial tears helps to keep your eyes lubricated and moist. Most eye drops are available without a prescription, but prescription strength drops are also available if necessary. Your ophthalmologist will recommend the eye drops that best suit your needs.
* Use a humidifier: Dry heat causes moisture in your eyes to decrease. A humidifier allows you to keep the humidity in the air when you have the heat on.
* Care for contacts: Keep your contact lenses clean and hydrated to avoid irritation and dry eye syndrome. Do not sleep in your contacts.
* Flashes more: When you are concentrating on a complex visual task, such as using a computer, it may not blink frequently enough. This can exacerbate the dryness of winter. If your eyes feel dry, try blinking more often to relieve irritation.
* Warm your feet: When heating your vehicle, direct the heat towards your feet to prevent hot air from entering your eyes. If you have seat heaters, use them to help reach a comfortable temperature instead of turning on the heater.
Protection for the eyes
Many people find it unnecessary to wear sunglasses during the winter, however, glasses are as important in winter as in summer. Extreme cold is usually not the problem since our eyes have built-in defenses against the cold, which include tearing and squinting. Finding the best lasik eye surgery Michigan provider can be tricky, here at the Yaldo Eye Center, we make that much easier. Eye injuries caused by exposure to cold usually occur in people who try to open their eyes during outdoor activities in the snow, such as snowmobiling, skiing, snowboarding, and shoveling. If you are looking for the best Detroit lasik eye surgery clinic, look no further.
Protective goggles protect your eyes from the glare of the sun and the dry air of the wind. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light can damage the retina of the eye and cause cataracts, and macular degeneration. The American Optometric Association recommends using sunglasses throughout the year with UV protection that blocks UVA and UVB rays and has the UV400 label or 100% UV protection. It is recommended that when skiing use glasses that have polycarbonate lenses, which block UV radiation. The ocular protection against ultraviolet rays should be used by all members of the family, mainly children. If you or a loved one is searching for Michigan eye surgery, trust your eyes with the Yaldo Eye Center.
If you do not wear sunglasses or goggles, avoid outdoor exposure on sunny or cloudy days when the sky is very bright. The sun’s rays reflected in the snow can cause lesions in the cornea called photokeratitis. The eyelids may become red, swollen and sore. The eyes may feel irritated and sensitive to light. The treatment includes heating the eyes and applying artificial tears to moisten and protect the eyes.
People with glaucoma may experience changes in intraocular pressure when exposed to extremely high or very low temperatures. This situation can complicate the treatment and evolution of this disease, in this situation consult your ophthalmologist. Speak with a leading Michigan laser eye surgery specialist at the Yaldo Eye Center.
Inform your doctor about the effects of cold weather on your eyes. Some ophthalmologists can change their medications or prescribe eye drops to help ensure that their eyes are healthy during the winter months. Here at the Yaldo Eye Center, we pride ourselves as the leading Michigan laser eye surgery providers.
Nutrition and Diet guidelines for Healthy Vision in 2019
Nutrition and Diet guidelines for Healthy Vision in 2019 is very important to understand. Your diet defines how your body will work if you maintain a healthy diet, undoubtedly all bodily functions, including vision, will be in optimal conditions. While fads for a special diet and exercise regimens come and go, the foundation of proper medical care remains nutrition. While this premise applies to all aspects of your well-being, it is especially important for the health of your eyes. If you are searching for the best lasik eye surgery Michigan in 2018, look no further than the Yaldo Eye Center.
Vitamins and minerals
Vitamin A is found in the cells of the retina (photosensitive tissue that allows vision). Vitamin A is essential in the formation of a compound called rhodopsin, whose decomposition by light allows the visual process. The deficiency of this vitamin can even cause total blindness. Without vitamin A we cannot see colors or distinguish. To find the best Ann arbor lasik eye surgery clinic, call the Yaldo Eye Center.
between light and darkness. Its antioxidant power prevents diseases, such as night blindness and cataracts. It also helps the eyes to overcome bacterial infections and repairs damaged cells.
Several studies indicate that vitamin A and, in specific cases, vitamin E can improve the symptoms of dry eye.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is found in a relatively high concentration in the aqueous humor of the eye, thanks to its antioxidant effect it protects the crystalline from the processes that can lead to opacification. Vitamin C also prevents the degeneration of connective tissue, prevents cell damage and helps eliminate waste products. This vitamin also accelerates the healing of diseases. Finding the best Lasik eye surgery Detroit can be difficult, here at the Yaldo Eye center, we are ready to help you now.
In diabetic diseases of the eye, vitamin C plays an essential role, since in these cases the need for vitamin C increases by up to 50%.
Vitamin C enhances the effect of vitamin E. Several studies have shown that the consumption of vitamin C for ten years or more, reduces the risk of cataracts by 60%.
Vitamin E
Thanks to its liposolubility, vitamin E exerts its antioxidant action on the fatty acids of cell membranes. This vitamin is found in a high concentration in the retina. By preventing the oxidation of cell membranes allows good nutrition and tissue regeneration.
The intake of foods containing vitamin E decreases the risk of macular degeneration by 25%, according to the conclusions of the study AREDS (Age-Related Eye Disease Study).
The highest concentration of zinc in the body is found inside the eyes. It is thought that this mineral plays an important role in the metabolism of the retina. The ingestion of zinc supplements can be beneficial for eye health. In addition, this mineral helps vitamin A to function better. We can help you in your search for the leading lasik eye surgery Michigan clinic.
When zinc levels are deficient, night blindness occurs, even though vitamin A levels are correct. Several studies have shown that zinc intake helps reduce the impact of AMD in some people. We are the leading laser eye surgery clinic in Michigan.
Carotenoids are the pigments found in some vegetables, fruits and in the calendula. These protect the eye from the harmful effect of shortwave light. In the retina, we find two yellow carotenoids: lutein and ceaxanthin, which are known as macular pigments. Retinal carotenoids are not synthesized in the body, therefore they must be obtained from food or vitamin supplements.
Lutein and ceaxanthin play an important role in the biochemical protection of the macula against the oxidative effect of free radicals and, therefore, it is essential when it comes to protecting the eye from age-related macular degeneration. Its function has also been proven in the strengthening of the immune system and in the protection against ultraviolet radiation. As the leading Michigan laser eye surgery clinic, we are dedicated to helping you.
Spinach is one of the biggest sources of lutein, the consumption of this vegetable five times a week reduces the risk of cataracts by almost 50%.
Omega-3 fatty acids
A study conducted at the Brigham Hospital in Boston reveals that the amount, type and proportion of essential fatty acids in the diet (Omega 3) play a key role in the prevention of dry eye syndrome in women. Instead, it has been postulated that another type of fatty acids (Omega 6) may increase the risk of suffering from this pathology. The consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids and the decrease in the intake of Omega 6 fatty acids allows to reduce the risk of ocular dryness by almost 70%.
Experts agree that a healthy diet with balanced and varied nutrition will work to provide these important nutrients and keep the eyes and body healthy and functioning as well as possible. We have the leading Michigan eye surgery practice that specializes in lasik eye surgery Michigan.
Below is a short list of foods that may be beneficial for the health of your vision
1) Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale
2) Vegetables like peppers, pumpkin, broccoli, and carrots
3) blue fish such as salmon and tuna
4) Protein sources such as nuts, beans, soy, and eggs
5) fruits like citrus and berries
What is Astigmatism and how can we treat it?
Astigmatism is a frequent and usually treatable alteration in the curvature of the eye that causes distant and near blurred vision. Astigmatism occurs when the cornea or lens has an irregular curvature. Like myopia and hyperopia, astigmatism is a refractive error, which means that it is neither an eye disease nor a health problem; it is simply an eye problem in the focus of the visual image.
Symptoms of astigmatism
Astigmatism causes blurred vision at any distance. The symptoms of an untreated astigmatism are visual fatigue and headache, especially after reading or doing activities that require using vision for a long time. Strabismus is also a very common symptom. Lasik eye surgery Michigan can help correct astigmatism for those in Michigan.
What causes astigmatism?
Astigmatism is usually caused by irregularities in the shape of the cornea. Instead of having a symmetrical rounded shape (like a baseball), it has a more similar shape to a ball of football, with a meridian significantly more curved than its perpendicular. To understand what the meridians are, think of the front of the eye as if it were a watch. A line connecting the 12 with the 6 would be a meridian; while a line connecting the 3 with the 9 would be the other. The most curved meridian along with the flattest constitutes the main meridians of an eye with astigmatism.
In some cases, astigmatism is caused by the shape of the lenses inside the eye. This is known as lenticular astigmatism, to differentiate it from the corneal that is the most frequent.
If the cornea and/or the lens have an oval shape with irregular curves, the rays of light do not project adequately into the retina and cause a refractive error
Types of astigmatism
- Myopic astigmatism: One or both of the main meridians of the eye focus the light in front of the retina.
- Hypermetropic astigmatism: One or both major meridians focus light behind the retina.
- Mixed astigmatism: One main meridian focuses the light in front of the retina, and the other one focuses the light behind the retina.
Astigmatism is also classified as regular or irregular. In the regular, the main meridians are perfectly perpendicular to each other (form an angle of 90 degrees). In irregular astigmatism, they are not perpendicular. Most astigmatisms are regular corneal.
Irregular astigmatism may be the result of an eye injury that caused the cornea to heal, by some surgery or by keratoconus, a condition of the eye that causes thinning of the cornea. Lasik eye surgery Detroit can help correct astigmatism issues for those in the metro Detroit area, even servicing those looking for Ann arbor lasik eye surgery.
The purpose of treating astigmatism is to improve the clarity of vision and provide relief to the eye. The treatments are the use of corrective lenses or refractive surgery. Lasik eye surgery Michigan can be done at one of the states leading laser eye surgery clinics the Yaldo Eye Center.
Treatment for any form of eye condition must be taken seriously as any complications can be amplified by not following guidelines given to you by your Michigan laser eye surgeon.
Corrective lenses
Corrective lenses can be used to treat astigmatism; these act by counteracting the irregularities in the curvatures of the cornea and lens.
- Eyeglasses: Eyeglasses are made with lenses that help compensate for the irregular shape of the eye. The lenses make the light refract correctly in the retina.
- Contact lenses: Like eyeglasses, Michigan contact lenses can correct astigmatism. Several types and styles are available, among them, soft and disposable; rigid and gas permeable; and bifocals.
Contact lenses are also used in a procedure called orthokeratology. In orthokeratology, you wear rigid contact lenses for several hours a day until the curvature of your eye is matched. Then, you use the lenses less frequently to maintain the new shape. If you interrupt this treatment, your eyes return to their previous form.
Refractive surgery
Refractive surgery improves vision and reduces the need to wear glasses or contact lenses. Your eye surgeon uses a laser to mold the curvature of the cornea and thus correct the refractive error
Among the types of refractive surgery for astigmatism are the following:
- LASIK surgery Michigan (laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis [laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis]): In this procedure, the eye surgeon creates a thin articulated flap in the cornea. Use an excimer laser to sculpt the shape of the cornea and then reposition the flap in its place.
- LASEK surgery Michigan (laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomileusis [laser-assisted subepithelial keratomileusis]): Instead of creating a flap in the cornea, the surgeon softens the thin protective layer (epithelium) of the cornea with a special alcohol. Use an excimer laser to modify the curvature of the cornea and then replace the softened epithelium in place.
- Photorefractive keratectomy Michigan: This procedure is similar to LASEK surgery, except that the surgeon removes the epithelium. It will naturally grow back and conform to the new shape of the cornea. The patient should wear protective contact lenses after the surgery.
- Epi-LASIK Michigan: This is a variation of LASEK surgery. Instead of alcohol, the doctor uses a special blunt-tip mechanical instrument to separate a very thin sheet of epithelium. Then reshape the cornea with an excimer laser and replace the epithelium.